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  • 2024年太阳成集团“乐动杯”教学展演圆满落幕
  • 2022年7月,由贵州省教育厅、贵州省体育局、遵义市人民政府主办,遵义市教育体育局、太阳成集团承办的贵州省第五届员工运动会在公司隆重举行
  • 公司优秀学子向付召现为中国越野跑运动员,创造多项亚洲记录,被誉为国内女子越野跑第一人,2019-2022年获香港百公里、日本环富士山等多项国内外大赛冠军
  • 公司优秀学子米久江现为中国国家山地自行车队队员,曾获第十四届全国运动会山地自行车项目冠军、2023年中国山地自行车联赛第一站冠军、贵州青年五四奖章获得者
  • 公司田径队获2006、2012、2014贵州省老员工运动会团体第一名
  • 公司龙舟队获2019年世界名校龙舟大赛男子组、混合组冠军
  • 2021年公司2011级社会体育指导与管理专业员工米久江获第十四届全国运动会山地自行车项目冠军
  • 2024年太阳成集团“乐动杯”教学展演圆满落幕
  • 2022年7月,由贵州省教育厅、贵州省体育局、遵义市人民政府主办,遵义市教育体育局、太阳成集团承办的贵州省第五届员工运动...
  • 公司优秀学子向付召现为中国越野跑运动员,创造多项亚洲记录,被誉为国内女子越野跑第一人,2019-2022年获香港百公里、日本环...
  • 公司优秀学子米久江现为中国国家山地自行车队队员,曾获第十四届全国运动会山地自行车项目冠军、2023年中国山地自行车联赛第...
  • 公司田径队获2006、2012、2014贵州省老员工运动会团体第一名
  • 公司龙舟队获2019年世界名校龙舟大赛男子组、混合组冠军
  • 2021年公司2011级社会体育指导与管理专业员工米久江获第十四届全国运动会山地自行车项目冠军

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About Us

Sports Institute of Zunyi Medical College was established on 2011, which led by the vice chancellor in charge of sport works. Its predecessor was Sports Teaching and Researching Section of Basic Department, which established sports department in 1993 according to school’s needs and development. The organizations of the institute including: general Party branch: teaching and administrative staff branch andstudents branch; teaching institutions: Physical Education Teaching and Researching Section、Sport Professional Technicians Teaching and Researching Section、Sport Professional Theory Teaching and Researching Section; office: sport competitions office and administration office; and health testing and training center.

The Sports Institute responsible forsport works, which including:

1、according to the instructions of higher authority education administrative department and teaching plan, making the sport work plans. 2、being responsible for public physical education and relative society sport works. 3、making the construction and development plan of teaching, researching and teacher team. 4、in charge of the sport budget and using of school. 5、implementing the relevant provisions of the state, providing convenient condition for the implementation of "the nationwide body-building plan".

At present, there are 33 teachers in Sports Institute, among whom there are 3professors,13 associate professors, 12 lecturers, 1 assistants, 3 administrators and tutors. The professional title structure, diplomas structure, and specialty structure

of teachers are reasonable. The teachers as average age 34 years old,is a young and full of vigor team.

There are more than 58000m2, stadiums in Sports Institute, and the physical teaching equipment and facilities are complete. With nearly 4000 sport books in reference room, and nearly 6000 sport books in library, it provide protection for ours teaching and researching works.

In recent years,we have published more than 100 papers,edited and participated in teaching material 4 books, obtained 3 first prize,4 second prize, 2 third prizein sports sciences academic of national medical college and GuiZhou province. Besides,we also have 4 province or the state departments subjects.

With the demands of society development, according to the instruction thought of school,and relying on the advantages of medicine, we had bid social sports specialty in 2003, which approved by ministry of education and had started to recruit students in 2004. Now, there are more than 200 students in reading.With the attention from leader of school Party and the strict teaching management system, ours sport works always in the forefront of universities in whole province.


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